Heavy Petting
image for Diabolical Dr Diggler

Heavy Petting

Someone has installed a trigger in the local females so that … boob petting makes them compliant and suggestible. Our hero finds out and begins to experiment with that terrible, horrible, wonderful, glorious thing that someone did to all these ladies.


Issue 1 (Fact Checking) is available in several formats:
    LIVE! Comic online, LIVE! Comic downloadable, Comic PDF, and Comic CBZ.

Issue 2 (Mom's Best Friend) is available in several formats:
    LIVE! Comic online, LIVE! Comic downloadable, Comic PDF, and Comic CBZ.

Issue 3 (Dream Whispers) is available in multiple formats:
    LIVE! Comic online, LIVE! Comic downloadable, Comic PDF, and Comic CBZ.

Issue 4 (Dream Whispers 2) is available in multiple formats:
    LIVE! Comic online, LIVE! Comic downloadable, Comic PDF, and Comic CBZ.

Note about versions: The LIVE! Comics versions are the most graphics-oriented, using HTML and javascript. If your internet connection is not too slow, you can enjoy the online LIVE! versions above. If the pictures are too slow coming up, then download the downloadable LIVE! version, unzip it in some folder, then open the .html file there in your browser. The PDF version is the plain comic version in PDF format. The CBZ version is a zipped archive of page images for viewing in comic browsers.


The current version, 0.1, is available online here and downloadable here.

Note about Online/Download versions: Depending on your internet connection, you may enjoy the online versions above. If the pictures are too slow coming up, then download the downloadable version, unzip it in some folder, then open the .html file there in your browser.

Text Story

The text story of the same title is loosely based on the graphic and iStory versions.

Chapter 1 is available here.